April 2016 Meeting – Film “The Mooman”

Date/Time Location Course facilitator
15 Apr 2016 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM Plumpton Agricultural College

Our April meeting is being held at Plumpton Agricultural College as usual.

We have arranged to show the film ‘The Mooman’ which links back to the talk that Steve Hook gave last year about his dairy herd of cows.

The conference room at Plumpton, if you have not been there before, is a very comfortable room with excellent facilities for showing films, slides etc.

If you are unsure of where the college is take a look at their website for details. The Rural Business block is to the rear of the college and is approached down the main drive and going straight on to the right of the main building and can be seen about 100 yards further on.

There won’t be any of our library books, etc there but you are welcome to bring any produce or items for sale.

We thought it would be a fun idea to suggest that you could bring along a bag of popcorn or something ‘cinemaish’ to eat, but please no burgers!!

I do hope that as many of you can come to this event but understand that lambing will be in ‘full swing’ by then.

On arrival please sign yourselves in as it is important that we know who is present in the event of an emergency.

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